
Welcome to ANIME-TION !!
Where your ANIME and MANGA collections START here ..

ANIME-TION offers some ANIME and MANGA stuffs for the members.
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See you on board !! :)

Aigoo : Founder

Welcome to ANIME-TION !!
Where your ANIME and MANGA collections START here ..

ANIME-TION offers some ANIME and MANGA stuffs for the members.
Please LOGIN to enjoy the OFFERS of ANIME-TION !! :)

See you on board !! :)

Aigoo : Founder

Anime-tion - 

Anime-tion : Anime Collections~~ Small Encoded Anime, Manga and Live Action.
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Anime-tion’s Fan Page
The Greener Start
Anime-tion - Home I_icon_minitime2011-10-31, 21:37 by skyfish
Anime-tion - Home B7grnne

Yo! Want to know where C.C. is taking us all? Click Here

It's the brand new start for Anime-tion! And in behalf of the entire Anime-tion krew, let me invite you to the new domain [by clicking the link above] where Anime-tion will be making a greener start. We are rebuilding the entire site in the new site's domain with new forum layout, which also mean different features from this old domain. But everything we had in this old domain needs to be put back again, all the download links will be put back slowly and AT members have to register again in the new site. This old domain will stay for some period of time so that old members can be redirected to the new site.

And we will all be there. bounce


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New Krew: CUATRO
Anime-tion - Home I_icon_minitime2011-09-29, 21:55 by skyfish
Anime-tion - Home B142nlw

I'm happy to forcefully recruit a new hero for our site, a humble and diligent krew named CUATRO. He came here initially to bully Claire, and was able to earn more support to bully Claire for more... As a penalty, I gave him the uploader position we've been looking for few months now. He's becoming inclined to ecchiness btw so expect him to be more fun and cool.

Welcome on board, Cuatro-kun!

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